PR Agency In The UK Yields Successful Results

  • From March through December 2014 the UK PR agency yielded 4,308,557 impressions via print media and 706,065,800 unique monthly visits on the websites; the return was 100 percent greater than the initial investment.

As part of their marketing efforts, the Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta joint campaign hired a UK-based public relations agency from March through December 2014 using their joint funding; the action proved to be a success.

The numbers speak for themselves. In nine months they prompted 4,308,557 impressions via print media and over 706,065,800 unique monthly visits to the websites.

The more relevant media that received and published information during that time period included The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Independent, The Daily Sunday Star, The Express, CNN, The Mirror, The Sun, Daily Mail, Huffington Post and Condé Nast Traveller.

The agency also organized mailings, FAM trips and publications in specialized magazines including Viva Magazine, Fabulous Magazine andSaturday Magazine.

The original investment was found to have been exceeded a hundredfold by the return once the value of the publications was tallied.

“There’s no doubt the public relations strategy achieved through the agency we hired must be repeated for 2015,” said Marc Murphy, Managing Director for the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). “This has been one of the most successful decisions taken by the joint campaign.”

The action was set into place parallel to the inauguration of the direct flights from Manchester and London in order to bolster their turnout. The flights have had a very positive effect on the European market and have been arriving nearly at capacity.
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