Riviera Nayarit is innovating in its marketing efforts with travel agents

•    In a joint marketing effort with Puerto Vallarta, we’ve designed the offer “100 Agentes Dijeron”, which is seeking to inform travel agents about the benefits of both destinations through a fun activity

Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta have designed an innovative activity to promote both destinations, while they inform on the benefits, activities and competitive advantages of visiting our region, while they invite travel agents to increase their sales for hotels in Bahía de Banderas.

Starting on May 21, both destinations will offer the game “100 Agentes Dijeron” (“100 Agents Said”), which emulates the popular TV show “100 Mexicanos Dijeron”. Through contests featuring questions on both destinations we’ll brief travel agents on the available activities, as well as the differences between both destinations. By virtue of being geographic neighbors, both destinations can complement their touristic offers and allow visitors to “visit two destinations in single trip”.

“The launch in Monterrey will be a entertaining and will become a major media impact, as 120 agents and tour operators have already registered. The press has also been invited, and we’re making lot of media hype and seeking to attract larger numbers of tourists to the region”, said Marc Murphy, Managing Director of the CVB of Riviera Nayarit.

The contest will offer complimentary airfare for people in Monterrey sponsored by Magnicharters, as well as a tablet as the main prize. The event will feature a dinner for travel agents and will seek to establish a closer relationship with them to increase their sales.

The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) of Riviera Nayarit is a non-profit association that operates under the direction of the Hotel and Motel Association of Bahía de Banderas in order to promote our destination. Through these actions we intend to improve the economy of all the people of Nayarit, as directed by the Governor for the People, Roberto Sandoval.


May 21 – “100 Agentes Dijeron” in Monterrey
May 30 – “100 Agentes Dijeron” in Guadalajara
June 12 – “100 Agentes Dijeron” in Mexico City

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