Ricardo Montaner And Julión Álvarez Tape A Music Video In The Riviera Nayarit

  • The landscapes of Mexico’s Pacific Treasure served as the backdrop for this new music video thanks to the work of the State Government and with the full support of the Banderas Bay City Council and the Riviera Nayarit CVB.
This past weekend Argentine-born Venezuelan/Colombian singer Ricardo Montaner and Mexico’s Julión Álvarez joined with Televisa television hostess, Marisol González, in the Riviera Nayarit to record the music video for their single titled “No te vayas.”

This production came about thanks to the efforts of the State Government with the logistical support of the Banderas Bay City Council and the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The artists stayed in Nuevo Vallarta and filmed mainly in Sayulita and the Islas Marietas. The news has permeated the domestic media since Montaner himself tweeted on his official account (@montanertwiter) during his visit on January 8-10.

Highlights of his posts included his enjoyment of the destination’s luxury hotels, the gastronomy and the beauty of Mother Nature, which he was able to appreciate up close and personal when he saw dolphins and whales in their habitat.

He also expressed gratitude for all the support and consideration he and his work team received during the production of the music video.

Translated, his tweet read: “thanks governor @RobertoSandoval for the immense hospitality, #RivieraNayarit is an UNFORGETTABLE destination! We’ll be back! @julionalvarez”

This video will undoubtedly air in many countries, promoting the Riviera Nayarit each time it’s viewed. 
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