The Riviera Nayarit Focuses On Brazil’s LGBT Market

  • La Revista Via G, which specifically targets this segment in Brazil, featured the Riviera Nayarit on its cover in July; there are 9.4 million people belonging to the LGBT market in Brazil and together they earn an income of $3 billion USD a year.  

As part of the diversification of markets within the promotions being directed towards Brazil, the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) undertook several public relations projects focusing at the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) sector, which resulted in a cover story by Revista Via G.

The director of said magazine, Alex Bernardes, was a recent visitor to the area during the LGBT Confex and was in charge of producing the piece. He had also enjoyed a FAM trip to the region before the event took place.

“There’s a high-level segment of same-sex couples in Brazil that get married and are looking for a luxury destination for their honeymoon,” mentioned Bernardes to the CVB. “The Riviera Nayarit is ideal.”

“LGBT weddings are evolving in Brazil and consequently honeymoons in the Riviera Nayarit have a great potential to become a part of this market as it offers everything they seek: luxury hotels, restaurants and gorgeous private beach houses,” added the director of Revista G.

Revista Via G is a bimonthly publication with 20 thousand copies distributed in restaurants, nightclubs, bars, hotels and art galleries; 99% of these issues are sold. Over two thousand subscribers receive their magazines at home; 87% of the readers fall into the A/B socioeconomic segments and are between the ages of 25 and 50.

Impressive LGBT stats in Brazil

Brazil has 9.4 million economically active people within the LGBT segment; together they generate an income of $3 billion USD a year. Over 70% earns a salary above the national mean, owns a computer with Internet access and has a valid passport for travel.

Forty-five percent of the Brazilian LGBT group travels abroad; 15% aboard cruises; 87% purchases travel through agencies and 93% have the top credit cards in their wallets.

There’s no doubt the destination is right on the mark by courting this segment with its high purchasing power and desire for luxury and nature, a combination the Riviera Nayarit is well-prepared to offer. 
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