The Royal Decameron Is Recognized As A Leader In Quality

  • Thanks to its continuous in-house training sessions and its support programs with the community at large, the Royal Decameron Complex has been recognized on a global level by BID Group One.

BID Group One, a European consulting company based in Madrid, selected the Hotel Royal Decameron Complex, in Bucerías, Riviera Nayarit, to receive the International Star for Leadership in Quality Award for 2014.
The award criteria for the ISLQ are based on concepts of Total Quality Management, such as the Balanced Scorecard and Growth and the Competitive Advantage Theory.

“Award winners are influential and active within their communities, committed to continuous improvement and have a visible track record of innovation,” declared José E. Prieto, President of the BID Group ONE. “Our selection committee chooses companies which demonstrate practices of quality, awareness and excellence.”

BID Group One (BID) is a privately owned international organization and a market leader dedicated to spreading quality culture and business excellence in both the public and private sectors. BID bases its actions on quality programs that have been implemented in businesses and organizations across the five continents.
The awards ceremony took place on June 21st in Paris, France, where business leaders from over 73 countries gathered for the occasion. The Decameron was unable to attend the event because occupancy topped out for the summer—proof positive of its excellence in service.
“This is very important for us because they are a company that performs these diagnoses on a global level. We perform community services throughout the year and this helps our business to be accepted,” commented Feliberto Ventura, the hotel’s general manager.

A recent example of this type of service is the motivational conference held on hotel grounds for 70 people with disabilities, coordinated in collaboration with the Banderas Bay DIF.

“We’re extremely pleased, as this is proof that our efforts have not been in vain and that dedication and determination are recognized. No matter how much time is expended, the focus is the project,” Ventura concluded. 
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