XX Dolphin Program Conference Begins In The Riviera Nayarit

  • There are 2,680 students participating along with 300 executives from higher education institutions from among Mexico’s 17 states; representatives from Colombian schools are also in attendance.

The Riviera Nayarit has become the favorite location for the academic and scientific community, as is evident by its hosting the XX National Summer Conference for Scientific and Technological Investigation in the Pacific, a derivative of the Pacific Inter-Institutional Program for the Strengthening of Research and Graduate Programs, known socially as the Dolphin Program.

From August 19th through the 22nd, the RIU hotels in the Flamingos area will host a series of cultural, sports and artistic activities that complement the academic endeavors, which this time around will include over 2,000 scientific investigation projects.

DVM Carlos Humberto Jiménez González, Chief Coordinator of the Dolphin Program, confirmed the Destination’s services and facilities, as well as the support lent by the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) during the organization and promotion of the event, were key in choosing to locate 13 of the 20 events held so far in the Riviera Nayarit.

“Every year this host location is proposed and it’s accepted. There’s a lot of trust between the Program coordinators and the Riviera Nayarit because shared support brings about more results. We count on the backing of the Riviera Nayarit CVB,” stated Jiménez González.

This year there are 2,680 students in attendance along with 300 executives, counselors and special guests from 65 higher education institutions from within Mexico’s 17 states; there are also representatives from schools in Colombia.

“We’d like to thank the CVB for its support, knowing that we have continued to advance the Riviera Nayarit both in an academic and a touristic manner,” concluded Dr. Jiménez González. “For example, the Dolphin Program has sparked the organization of local academic events modeled after ours.” 
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