Ritmoson Latino returns to Riviera Nayarit

·         PR efforts generated extensive media exposure on this TV channel valued at $600,000 pesos, at no cost to our destination
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Bazooka Joe, one of the presenters of Ritmoson Latino, who was amazed by the beauty of Riviera Nayarit, where he recorded over 120 spots that aired last 2012. He is back, now with the company of Carolina Moran, with whom he will be recording from Wednesday July 9th about the new attractions and about those magical spots they couldn´t visit last year.
from July 30 to August 4 as an intermission between videos of this television channel, which is part of the main cable companies in Mexico and 45 other countries in America and Europe.
The production crew of ‘El Break’, a Ritmoson Latino show that provides useful information on how to spend summer holidays, toured Riviera Nayarit from end to end to record these spots. This resulting media exposure is valued at over $600,000 pesos, but will be provided at no cost to our destination.
Spots will be aired by the end of July as an intermission between videos of this television channel, which is part of the main cable companies in Mexico and 45 other countries in America and Europe.
The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) of Riviera Nayarit, a civil association dedicated to promoting the destination has worked closely with all sectors of society and government, in order to achieve its objective: to position Riviera Nayarit as an independent destination, with great attractions, spectacular landscapes and mostly, high-quality services.
One of the strategies used by the CVB is to attract the attention of the media through PR efforts like this one in conjunction with Ritmoson Latino, in order to achieve the greatest possible exposure with the lowest cost, achieving a greater influx of tourists to the destination.
“The Convention and Visitors Bureau endorses its commitment to work intensely to achieve its objective of attracting more tourists to Mexico’s Pacific Treasure, and to distribute them evenly throughout Nayarit in order to improve the lives of all our people”, said Marc Murphy, director of the CVB.
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