Riviera Nayarit is looking to attract tourism from South America

  • Press representatives from El Salvador and Peru visited Mexico’s Pacific Treasure, looking for a new destination to promote, in a joint effort of the CVB of Riviera Nayarit and Aeromexico

The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) of Riviera Nayarit is undertaking a joint effort with Aeroméxico in order to diversify the niche markets of our destination. As a result, there is a planned visit from Peruvian and El Salvador communication agencies.

“The conditions of our natural markets will not change much this year. The economic crisis in the United States and the perception on the safety in Mexico are issues that are affecting the arrival of Americans to our country, so we don’t expect an immediate recovery from those markets – although we do expect it from the Mexican and Canadian markets. This is why we’re seeking for new markets, like the South American one, that will allow us to increase, even slightly, the number of visitors”, explained the president of the CVB of Riviera Nayarit, Fernando Gonzalez Ortega.
Gonzalez Ortega also mentioned that the CVB of Riviera Nayarit is a private non-profit association dedicated to promoting the entire State of Nayarit, and that journalists will able to experience “the world’s largest pool”, which is the nickname for Rincón de Guayabitos.
From Peru, representatives of Vamos, the travel supplement of the El Comercio newspaper (one of the largest in Peru); TV Show Ayer y Hoy; Tnews, a specialized tourism publication, the high-end Costas Peru magazine, and Caretas, the most influential periodical for Peruvians, visited Riviera Nayarit June 18-21
La Prensa Gráfica, El Diario de Hoy, Tele Prensa, Canal 12, Canal 21 and El Mundo from El Salvador also visited June 25-28 Rincon de Guaybitos  La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, San Pancho, Lo de Marcos and Litibu.

The marketing efforts being made by the CVB of Riviera Nayarit to look for new markets this year is paying off with events like this one, which will allow us to improve the quality of life of all the people of Nayarit, by linking the existing production chains already present in the State, and generating wellness for the People.

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