Longest beach in the world is in Riviera Nayarit

This is Playa Novillero, an untouched paradise on the north shore of Riviera Nayarit. Its 82,5 kilometers lenght made it for the Record Guiness. Our friend Lidia G Soto asked us for some info. Here you go: you can arrive driving from Tepic to Acaponeta, then taking the road to Tecuala and follow it till you find this amazin view. A fact is that once in the water you can walk away from the shore for almost 100 meters and the sea level won´t be hagher than 1,5 meters.

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Hi, and the definition of a beach is? North Padre Island, Texas, has one of 55 miles, drivable, that's about 90 km. Want shallow water, try the southern reaches of Bahia Concepcion, Baja Sur. Walk out a long way, then wiggle your toes for an appetizer of clams. Playas Novillero looks more scenic than the beach in Texas, have been on its northern "relative," the beaches north of Teacapan which I never saw the end of, I had envisioned them going all the way to Mazatlan, but checking a map that is an impossiblity. Last time on it there was a dead whale half buried. Not a great swimming beach though, nor was the Padre on a winter visit.

  2. comunicacion social
    comunicacion social says:

    The data has been published by the Guiness Book of Records. Maybe there are longer beaches, this one has the Record. And you are right, it does not go all the way to Mazatlán, but on the other way: from the southern border of Boca the Teacapan in the Nayarit side all the way down to the South by the Marismas Nacionales National Park.


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