Travel Agents In Ecuador And Peru Get Their Turn

  • Nineteen agents from both South American nations came to visit the region on two separate FAM trips in order to receive the most relevant updates and details to enhance the sales of both destinations.

September came to a close with activities planned by the Promotion and Sales Departments of the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Trust in the shape of two FAM trips for travel agents from Ecuador and Peru.

Both groups came to the destinations via private initiatives, and the promotions departments lent their support with activities scheduled to allow them to fully appreciate the attractions of this region.

The first group to arrive was the Ecuador FAM trip, brought over by Aeroméxico. Among the ten representatives from different Ecuadoran travel agencies were general managers, directors, business executives, sales managers, group and office managers, ensuring that the leaders of said agencies would be the ones to transmit their information to their personnel.

The same concept followed with the second FAM group from Peru, which included a total of nine participating travel agents, also agency leaders, who were invited by Velas Resorts.

Besides the beaches and the iconic attractions of the region the agents also carried out hotel site inspections so they could better enjoy the synergy that exists between luxury and nature.

Thus the collaboration between different promotional sectors from the Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta continues to bear fruit and demonstrate that joint efforts bring about faster and more effective results, in this case, regarding the Emerging Markets of South America.
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