The Beach Cleanup Has Created A Cultural Shift On Isla Mexcaltitlán

  • Men and boys have joined the women on the Isla de Mexcaltitlán Volunteer Cleanup Crew; the 16th edition of the Riviera Nayarit Beach Cleanup Network (BCN) will take place this Saturday, September 12, 2015.

La Isla de Mexcaltitán has seen a cultural shift in environmental care occur since the community became part of the Beach Cleanup Network (BCN) coordinated by the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB).

Miguel Estrada Calderón, who’s in charge of the Museo del Origen on the Isla de Mexcaltitlán and who coordinates the 45-women Isla de Mexcaltitlán Volunteer Cleanup Crew together with Gloria Victoria Sandoval, said that men and children have joined in following their good example.

“We’ve seen a huge change occur from the moment we saw the cleaning crew come out and pick up the trash generated by the visitors and residents of this island, which is already being kept cleaner,” commented Estrada Calderón.

Students from the Manuel Uribe Elementary School have followed the example set by the cleanup crews and have joined the movement, where they have learned how to sort the trash.

“This is very beneficial because both our national and international tourists leave much happier. At the beginning the CVB would send us large trash bags but now they also send us smaller bags for the kids, who are very happy with the activity because it’s very cultural and people are changing for the better,” said Miguel Estrada.

“It’s been seen kids speaking up when they see people throwing trash and they tell them to put it in the bin; they’ll even joke about it and tell them they should take it home,” added the museum’s caretaker. “At the beginning I thought the kids were being disrespectful, but at the end of the day it’s a normal response to the lessons they’re learning, and in that respect adults, too, need to become more aware.”

The 16th edition of the Riviera Nayarit BCN will take place on Saturday, September 12, 2015.

For more information and comments, if you’re interested in more details about the project including the hours and meeting places or would like to propose your community join the Riviera Nayarit Beach Cleanup Network, please call 2 97 25 16 ext. 108, and someone from the Riviera Nayarit CVB will be happy to help you.
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