The Riviera Nayarit Will Reach Over Five Million Brazilians

  • Thanks to the FAM trip organized by the MTB in Sao Paulo in conjunction with Copa Airlines, the Brazilian production company, Record, produced several shows about Jalisco and Nayarit, which will air in 60 Brazilian cities.

The Sao Paulo Mexico Tourism Board (MTB) organized a FAM trip together with Copa Airlines for the Televisión de Brasil show, Por ai, produced by Record.

Various shows were produced in Guadalajara from March 17ththrough 23rd then the team went via highway to Puerto Vallarta, ending their trip in the Riviera Nayarit. The programs will be seen in 60 Brazilian cities with an audience of more than five million TV viewers.

Por ai has aired for seven years and is focused on entertainment including celebrity interviews, theater, movie scripts, adventure, curiosities, photography, beauty, health and sports.

The team began in Guadalajara, moving to Tlaquepaque, Tequila and Ahualulco before reaching Puerto Vallarta.

The Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) coordinated the arrival of the two hosts and the cameraman to Mexico’s Pacific Treasure.

The first place they visited was La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, the Nautical Capital of the Riviera Nayarit, where they took in the Marina Riviera Nayarit, considered the most modern in the Pacific.

 The trip happily coincided with the Mexico Cup Regatta, so they were able to witness the J24 sailing competition. There were five Brazilian teams participating in that category, and it was a great way to promote the Bay and it’s fantastic capacity for nautical and aquatic sports.

After a visit to Bucerías, the Brazilian journalists were taken to the Capital of Surf, the hippie chic town of Sayulita. This was followed by a tour through the Cultural Capital of San Pancho and a look at the different civil associations involved in art and culture.

They also enjoyed the requisite visit to the exclusive and luxurious Punta Mita, as well as Litibí, which was a nice contrast to the adventure and nature represented by a trip to the Marietas Islands.

The MTB in Sao Paulo hopes to incentivize the Brazilian public to come travel to the Mexican Pacific aboard Copa Airlines, which flies from Brazil to Guadalajara via Panamá, so they can enjoy the many attractions offered by the Pearl of Western Mexico all the way to the Pacific coast.  
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