Announcing the San Pancho Music Festival 2014

San Pancho has announced their annual 3-day Music Festival will be held Friday, February 28th through Sunday, March 2nd in San Francisco, Nayarit, Mexico. The Music Festival is celebrating its 14th year, and as always there will be no charge to the public due to the gracious contributions of the performing artists.

The Music Festival will feature performing artists from the region of Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, as well as musicians from the United States and Latin America. The event will begin at 5pm each day, with performances up until 11pm each night. A schedule of performing artists and show times will soon be published on the Festival website as details emerge. Those interested can now subscribe to the latest news and updates as planning progresses.

San Pancho’s Music Festival is a vibrant, eclectic expression of performing art traditionally held annually for 3 days during the last weekend of February. It began informally in 2001 as a backyard venue of a local resident, and by 2006 included some 116 performers. It has progressively grown ever since, attracting some of the most colorful musicians from around the world. The Festival has become a cultural tradition in San Pancho.

Traditionally there is no fee to attend, and performers are not paid. The Festival is entirely supported by the gracious contributions of local musicians and international recording artists, and by the local residents of San Pancho. Artists come to play because they enjoy performing in the intimate venue and magical surroundings of San Pancho. It is a truly wonderful balance of amateurs and professional performers coming together for 3 days to share an unforgettable and enriching musical experience in one of the most beautiful regions of Mexico. Donations are encouraged, but there is no intent for the Festival to profit from the performances. Additionally, proceeds from sales of music and video CDs go directly to the performing artists.

This year the Music Festival welcomes back some of the crowd favorites from our prior years, including:

  • Tatewari
  • Jeff Oster
  • Banderas Bay Jazz Allstars
  • Steve O’Connor
  • Olivia de la Cruz
  • Dos Bertos y Las Musa
  • and others

For the latest updates to the performance schedule, or for further details on the event’s history and directions to Plaza del Sol, please visit the San Pancho Music Festival website.

To be automatically informed of Festival news and latest changes, take advantage of the Festival’s email subscription service on the website.

by Chris Parsons for

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