The Riviera Nayarit is the Destination with the Cleanest Beaches

  • The Riviera Nayarit boasts six certified Clean Beaches, which by extension makes Nayarit the state with the cleanest beaches in the country.

The Riviera Nayarit is the tourism destination with the most certified Clean Beaches in all of Mexico, with six to its name. The Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau received the results of the 2013 maintenance certification sampling for five of the certified beaches in the Banderas Bay municipality.

Another addition to the list is the beach at Chacala in the municipality of Compostela, which has been certified as a Clean Beach since 2011. It’s currently in the process of recertification in the near future, something that is certain to happen per Rosanna Araujo, president of the Compostela Hotel and Motel Association.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat, by its acronym in Spanish) recently recertified several clean beaches during a recent meeting of the Beach Certification Committee of the State of Nayarit, which includes representatives from all three levels of government. These beaches included Nuevo Vallarta North, Nuevo Vallarta North 2, Nuevo Vallarta South, Bucerías and the Los Muertos beach in Sayulita.

There is one other beach currently in the initial stages of certification: the Costa Capomo Master Planned Tourism Project, which is hoping to obtain another certification during the course of the current year.

“Part of Fonatur’s (National Foundation for Tourism Development) project for this year is to complete all the studies and provisions needed to obtain this certification,” commented Francisco José Méndez Vargas, regional delegate for Nayarit.

In order to be considered a Clean Beach, the sampling used to determine the quality of the seawater must contain less than 100 enterococci per sample, according to the parameters established by the norm.

The certified beaches of the Riviera Nayarit consistently present approximately than 10 enterococci per 100ml. Even during the rainy season, when the sea is at its most turbulent, the amount of enterococci has never exceeded 91.

In Mexico there are only five “Blue Flag” certified beaches, including Nuevo Vallarta, the Banderas Bay and the Riviera Nayarit North. This is one more certification that demonstrates the cleanliness of our destination’s beaches.
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