In Season: Mango Madness

MangoesPurple Mangoes
Mangoes are indeed plentiful this season. Just drive down the street and you can’t help but notice that the mango tree limbs are literally weighted to the ground with hundreds, if not thousands, of this incredibly sweet and delectable fruit. You will find many different varieties at every mercado, fruteria and minisuper around town. Even the roadside stands have bins upon bins filled to the brim. While on a hike from Los Ayala to El Monteon a few months back, I spotted some gorgeous purple-colored mangoes. I have never seen this variety before. Luckily, as we drove back from Chacala on Dia de la Marina, we saw a group of guys packing mangoes along the side of the road. They confirmed that these purple mangoes are the “Tommy Atkins” variety. They also informed me that the more sun mangoes get while on the tree, the brighter their color; the less sun, the greener they are. In this case, once the “Tommys” ripen the color will change from purple to its normal reddish blush.
Buen Provecho!
Allyson Williams is a community website for the villages of Rincon de Guayabitos, La Penita and Los Ayala all located in the beautiful Riviera Nayarit
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