
World Meetings Forum 2018 a Success

The Riviera Nayarit CVB was very much in evidence as co-host…

See It To Believe It: Huichol Culture In Nayarit

This is an incredible, spectacular, and unique find for visitors…

2015 WTM London A Standout Event For The Riviera Nayarit

The images of the Islas Marietas and Playa Escondida, as well…

The Legacy of the Huichol Culture

Mexico is rich with indigenous cultures—over 60, in fact. Among…

La Yesca, beyond the Riviera Nayarit

The Riviera Nayarit has much to offer besides its incredible…

Hiking the Petroglyphs at Alta Vista

The petroglyphs at Alta Vista are well worth visiting. They are…

Huichol Mariachi only at Riviera Nayarit

Fun all over the way