
Top 10 Environmental Achievements In The Riviera Nayarit

The Riviera Nayarit is fully committed to the new era of Sustainable…

The Riviera Nayarit Prepares To Celebrate Greeting Mother Earth Ceremony

This Earth Day event seeks to create a heightened awareness of…

The Event ¡Conoce Tu Bahía! Seeks To Raise Environmental Awareness

Access is free for the general public; businesses and groups…

XVIII San Blas International Migratory Birds Festival

There will be six bird observation routes, three conferences,…

2015 National Conservation Week In San Blas

Several artistic, sports and cultural activities with the theme…

3rd Save The Sea Turtles Drawing Contest

The invitation is open for children ages 6 through 12 from all…

The Riviera Nayarit On The Cutting Edge With EarthCheck Certification

As travelers, we are increasingly searching for and choosing…

San Blas Brings Back National Conservation Week

Expos, conferences, workshops, a drawing contest, bird watching,…

Art For Turtles Encourages Conservation in the Riviera Nayarit

This annual event offers an art walk for visitors in order to…

Tourism Attractions Encourage Environmental Education

The research used by Dolphin Adventures in their dolphin insemination…