EarthCheck Agreement Signed For The Riviera Nayarit

  • Nuevo Vallarta’s commitment to the strict program in search of the certification as an EarthCheck destination is now official; the “Outreach Presentation for Tourist Communities” workshop took place immediately after.

December 4th marked the official start of the work needed to transform Nuevo Vallarta into Mexico’s second destination to be certified as an EarthCheck Community, an undertaking that was initiated by the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), the first initiative of its kind in Mexico.

This important action brought together the different environmental and tourism representatives from the states and the municipalities, as well as private and social entities, and allowed them to be a part of this environmental sustainability project.

“We believe this ceremonial event will reinforce the commitment that has been taking shape in the past few months. The Riviera Nayarit is truly an innovative destination and has positioned itself very strongly both on a domestic as well as an international level. We’re very honored to have them join the EarthCheck Community,” said Erika Lobos, Manager for EarthCheck Mexico and Latin America.

The Riviera Nayarit CVB, the Nayarit Secretariat of Tourism, the Nayarit Department of the Environment, the Banderas Bay City Council, the Banderas Bay Hotel and Motel Association, the Nuevo Vallarta Homeowners Association and the Banderas Bay Trust secured the signature.

“Environmental sustainability is a global trend—it’s no longer enough to ‘put out fires’ and work independently on key concrete issues. We now need to strategically include the destinations themselves. It’s obvious the CVB understood this point very well when they proposed the program,” added Erika Lobos.

Once the ceremonial act was finished, the “Outreach Presentation for Tourist Communities” workshop began, during which those who participated in securing the certification began to enumerate EarthCheck’s needs, objectives and methods.
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