Riviera Nayarit certified 63 travel agents from the United States

  • Sales representatives from Classic Vacations directly experienced the luxury of our destination and learned about the tourist activities offered in Mexico’s Pacific Treasure
  • Over the last two years, 1,119 international agents have been certified through an online training program

In Riviera Nayarit luxury is our nature, and 63 specialized high-end travel agents that visited Mexico’s Pacific Treasure last May were enchanted by it. After demonstrating their knowledge on our destination, they were certified as specialists in Riviera Nayarit.
Last May, 63 travel agents associated to Classic Vacations, together with 18 members of the President’s Club of this same operator were in Riviera Nayarit. They visited hotels and service providers, and learned about the features of our destination.
Classic Vacations is a travel wholesaler that focuses on high-end and exclusivity, designing vacation packages tailored to each one of its customers.
“We wanted this trip to be special, so instead of simply giving them a talk on our destination, we did some hands-on training by visiting the sites, provided information through a briefing and played a video for them. Afterwards, we asked the agents to complete an exam to ensure that they had grasped the sales arguments that they’ll use to convince their clients to take a vacation in Riviera Nayarit. Once they passed the test, they obtained a special certification.” said Marc Murphy, Managing Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CBV) of Rivera Nayarit.
The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CBV) of Rivera Nayarit is confirming its commitment with all the people of Nayarit by supporting promotional efforts like this one, which translate into social benefits for all the People by increasing the number of tourists, which in turn reactivates the economy throughout the state.
Additionally, the CVB offers a training program online (http://www.rivieranayarit.com/site/become_a_specialist) for all English-speaking travel agents, through which they can become certified. In the last two years, 1,119 travel agents have been certified online, and this program will soon be available in Spanish.
Last May, Riviera Nayarit also worked with national travel agents in preparation for the upcoming summer travel season. 500 travel agents associated with the wholesaler Imacop visited our destination and received training by the CVB.
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